Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Ohhhh the Frustration...

Last week, I worked three nights at a club I had never worked before. Its supposed to be the classiest club in the city, so I assumed it was the cleanest. HA. I must have forgotten – there is no such thing as a clean club anymore, only clean girls.
My first night there wasn’t bad. Girls were relatively pleasant and not at all catty; the staff and customers were pretty friendly; and the club itself was rather clean (sanitarily, anyways…). However, because I worked in this city for a couple of years, I ran into patrons I recognized.
My second night was horrible. I saw two former customers of mine (who used to adore me) and they both turned me down. The first was a man who, last year, I briefly worked for at his company (My boyfriend was really uncomfortable with me working for someone who paid me to dance naked, understandably, so I ended up quitting). He used to be a guaranteed $200 every time I saw him. The second was a man for whom I danced for at least two years; he was the only customer I danced for at an hourly rate. He would always spend at least two hours with me, at a rate of $300 per hour. But not that night! I couldn’t help wonder who I had been replaced with, because: a) this was not my regular club, so obviously they were not there for me and b) they definitely didn’t spend a dime on me once they did see me. Situations like this can really get to a dancer; it is so important to have thick skin in this business. Unfortunately, accepting rejection has never been one of my strong suits!
The next day, the same man I used to work for called and asked me to meet him at that so-called classy club. I told him the following day would be better, and we worked out an hourly rate of $500. Consequently, I went back for a third night specifically for him. However, because I didn’t call and confirm, he left before I even got there. Bullshit! Then to make matters worse, I met this douche bag that thought he could do anything because he is rich. Damn I hate those! He insisted that we have sex in the VIP, and that because he was a friend of the owners, it was ok. I ended up walking away from him empty handed.
I know plenty of girls who would have played him for as much as they could, then leave him high and dry. Personally, I hate playing that game. I don’t even want to pretend I’m going to have sex with him. I was further turned off by the fact that the owner himself was nonchalant about girls having sex in the club. Another one of my issues working is that I started dancing before the business got so tough and wearisome, when us girls didn’t have to hustle so hard. Men would often come up to me and asked me for dances. Nowadays, if you’re not a hustler, you’re not making money. You have to approach everyone, not get discouraged, and keep it moving (either that or have your line up of "regulars", which is hard for me, considering I am not at any one club). This can be very challenging, considering some girls are doing “extras” and I just cannot compete with that. Yet this is only one example of why the clubs are no longer as good as they once were. In addition to the obvious recession, the introduction of internet porn, massage parlours and “pimps” have ruined the business for REAL exotic dancers. I also have to admit; my work ethic has changed within the last year, as I am simply fed up.

On another note, I have probably sent out 75 resumes this last month, including about a dozen I sent out yesterday. I discovered that certain sites, like workopolis, has an option to exclude jobs offered through employment agencies. I'm hoping to get some phone calls soon, and will probably send out more later this week. The sooner I get a real job, the sooner I can stop dealing with strip club bullshit. I'm ready to embrace the corporate bullshit!

1 comment:

  1. hi

    I find your blog quite insteresting. I have noticed as well that now in a club for most of the girls it has become like a race in order to get guys to dance for. Also as you mention extras play a big part on that, if a girl is willing for it, then most likely someone will go for her. In my case I have never asked for an extra I am fine with the sensual dance itself.

    I also agree the introduction of massage parlours of vip style may be a cause of affecting the exotic dancer business since for some guys a massage gives a more intimate contact sometimes for a lower cost.
